Make with pour soap something unique and personal

Making something yourself is always fun, but this way the possibilities are truly endless. We have cast a photo in soap, so you can quickly create a beautiful decoration or gift.

Think of a maternity gift, company logo, your (grand) child or your favorite animal.

We have a video at the bottom of this page.

How we do it?

We start with a small layer of clear pour soap in the mould, not more than 1 a 2 mm. How thicker the layer how fuzzier the photo.

The transparent pouring soap must be very transparent, our transparent soap is perfect for this (unlike a lot of soap sold on the net that is not really transparent).

Let the soap harden and then spray a little alcohol over the transparent soap and place the photo on the soap. Spray a little alcohol again and try to protect the photo as much as possible. Then pour the white soap into the mold.

The alcohol makes the white soap stick to the transparent soap so that it is one whole and the creation is ready. But be careful, there are some problems!

The photo

Of course we can’t do without a photo, this is where the real work is

There are 3 ways to make the photo::
1. Buy one in a photo store
2. Print one by your selve with a laser printer
3. Make one with a inkjet printer

On the net there you can buy soluble paper, its nice that the paper disappears but is it so bad as it stays in the soap? Other problem is that this paper is only for a laser printer, most people dont have it at home and the paper is expensive.

You can print it also on home with your inkjet printer, Profselect (use 190 grams paper) have a water resistant paper for a inktet printer. It’s cheap and perfect for home use.

Disadvantage of inkjet is that there is a risk that the ink a (small) bit of prejudice after over time. To make this risk smaller we spray a little Color / protection spray on the photo. This is a plastic layer gives the photo extra protection.

Making something yourself is always fun, but this way the possibilities are truly endless. We have cast a photo in soap, so you can quickly create a beautiful decoration or gift.

Think of a maternity gift, company logo, your (grand) child or your favorite animal.

We have a video at the bottom of this page.

How we do it?

We start with a small layer of clear pour soap in the mould, not more than 1 a 2 mm. How thicker the layer how fuzzier the photo.

The clear soap have to be real clear! Not all are, our soap is perfect for it (a lot of sold soap sold on the net is not really transparent).

Let the soap harden and then spray a little alcohol over the transparent soap and place the photo on the soap. Spray a little alcohol again and try to protect the photo as much as possible. Then pour the white soap into the mold.

The alcohol makes the white soap stick to the transparent soap so that it is one whole and the creation is ready. But be careful, there are some problems!